Summer Intensive Copenhagen 2024 afvikles fra den 21. til 23. juni, hvor der over 3 dage tilbydes 11 forskellige workshops med 4 forskellige undervisere.
Alle workshops afholdes på Rødovre Fitnes Club, Tæbyvej 9, 2610 Rødovre.
Jeg er rigtig glad for at have 3 dygtige og spændende gæstelærere med på programmet i år; Dominika Suchecka, Ribo Gamondes og Noura. Du finder beskrivelse af de enkelte workshops nedenfor og praktisk information nederst på siden.
Tilmelding åbner den 15. marts og du kan tilmelde dig lige så mange - eller få - workshops, som du har lyst og tid til. Tilmelding er åben indtil workshoppen afvikles eller der ikke er flere ledige pladser.
Bemærk: Early bird priser og rabatter gives til og med den 15. maj.
Workshops med Dominika
Please note these workshops are not purely technical or choreo workshops.
Dominika will be using a part of a choreo in the specific style to illustrate the applied techniques with the choreo. She wants to give the students the idea of how she listens to the music, what is the feeling of the dance style and how she stylize her dance in it.
* Megance *
Fredag 21 juni, 18.30-20.30
Level: intermediate and up
* Shaabi *
Lørdag 22 juni, 12.30-14.30
Level: intermediate and up
* Tarab *
Søndag 23 Juni, 10.00-12.00
Level: intermediate and up
Workshops med Ribo
* Turn Around *
Fredag 21 juni, 16.15-18.15
Level: open level
This will be a very unique and academic concept of WS that Ribo would love to share, especially for those who think turns are their weakness - have fears on turns - or wish to improve their turns in their choreographies.
We will NOT be practicing only turns for 2 hours like ballet dancers.
Ribo would like to share secrets based on anatomic point of view (because she is also a pilates teacher), for different types of turns because once you understand how your body works it is easier to control your turns.
* Fan Veil technique *
Lørdag 22 juni, 10.00-12.00
Level: intermediate and up
Tidy your fan veil technique. This workshop is also recommended if you want to attend the fusion workshop on Sunday. Learn how to make the difference from "a messy prop flying around" to "beautiful silk dancing around you“.
Please note: Bring your own fan veils.
* Fusion Japanese/Oriental *
Søndag 23 juni, 14.45-16.45
Level: intermediate and up
Introduction to Japanese-Oriental Fusion.
Concept of Japanese fusion and a short choreography with fan veil. If you are new/beginner with fan veil it is recommended to attend the technique workshop on Saturday.
Please note: Bring your own fan veils.
Workshops med Noura
* Drum solo *
Fredag 21 juni, 14.00-16.00
Level: intermediate/advanced
Here we start with Artem Uzunov's drum solo "Are you Ready". We will play with different sequences in the song, where we as a group can utilize the dynamics – both as a group, but also as soloists within the group.
(Psst this choreography will also be used for Noura's Project X during Danish Open Bellydance)
* Improv *
Lørdag 22 juni, 17.00-19.00
Level: open level
Improve your improvisation.
Let's open the toolbox and see what tools we (already) have available when improvising. We will also look at where improvisation can be a tool in itself when we work with choreographies or our own development of the dance.
The teaching will be differentiated as needed and a safe environment is ensured so that everyone can participate, regardless of level and dance experience.
* Let’s Hagala *
Søndag 23 juni, 12.30-14.300
Level: intermediate and up
We till start the workshop by reviewing the technique behind our different "walks" such as egyptian walk, 3/4 shimmy, cho cho shimmy and of course our hagala. Then we jump into a piece of hagala choreography.
Be prepared to sweat!
Workshops med Maizena
* Poi-Voi technique *
Fredag 21 juni, 11.30-13.30
Level: open level
Introduction to poi and voi. We will go through the main technique for the poi and add the voi. To get familiar with the poi-voi we will also do part of a choreo to Purple Rain by Prince.
Please note: Bring your own poi and voi.
This is two different items (poi is the “ball” on a string and voi is the veil).
* Melaya *
Lørdag 22 juni, 14.45-16.45
Level: intermediate and up
Get to know the flirtatious style of Melaya – the black cloth to hide and reveil, it’s all in the play.
We will do a modern version of the adapted style from Mahmoud Reda.
Please note: Bring your melaya – alternative you can use a rectangular veil.
Der åbnes for tilmelding den 15. marts 2024. Send en email til med dit navn, og hvilke workshops du ønsker at deltage på.
50% af den samlede kursusafgift betales senest 7 dage efter tilmelding. Restbeløbet skal betales senest den 15. maj 2024. Ved tilmelding efter den 15. maj 2024 skal hele kursusbeløbet betales senest 7 dage efter tilmeldingen er bekræftet.
OBS. Ved tilmelding samtykker du til, at jeg gemmer dine oplysninger. Oplysningerne bruges udelukkende til at kontakte dig for at orientere dig om holdene. Dine oplysninger behandles fortroligt og videregives ikke til andre. Du har altid ret til at tilbagetrække dit samtykke og så sletter jeg dine oplysninger.
Priser & rabatter
Indtil den 15. maj tilbydes "early bird" pris og rabat.
Early bird indtil 15. maj 2024.
1 workshop kr. 425.
3 workshops kr. 1.125.
Efter 15. maj 2024.
1 workshop kr. 525.
3 workshops kr. 1.450.
Betaling og refusion
Betaling bedes så vidt muligt ske til Danske Bank, reg. 4400, konto 4618256626 ellers med MobilePay til 65337.
Husk at skrive afsender på betalingen.
Første del af betalingen forfalder senest 7 dage efter tilmeldingen og restbeløbet skal være betalt senest den 15. maj 2024.
Ved tilmelding efter den 15. maj 2024 forfalder det fulde beløb senest 5 dage efter tilmeldingen er bekræftet.
Tilmelding er bindende og indbetalte beløb refunderes ikke. Såfremt en workshop ikke afholdes, refunderes kursusafgiften selvfølgelig. Hvis du er forhindret i at deltage, er du meget velkommen til at give din plads til en anden (husk at give besked).